Sunday, April 22, 2007

Wish u were here

Korean B-Boy in town

Couldn't be more architectural than these-

Power, pivoting control, distribution of weak & strong movement, core strength, mental construct balancing points, gesture vs posture, inertia vs agile, bending vs creeping...

...all with an attitude.

Korean B-boy battle with US back then

Ubiquitous Shades

Ubiquity (or being everywhereness) is an architectural disorder, a form of kaleidoscopic delusion manfests itself into various symptoms -

Schizophrenic design, crazy
form, dementedness detail, deranging organization, flakiness surface, insane function, irrational scheme, mad construction, psychopathic interior, cataleptic circulations, paranoiac display, hypersomnia landscape, insane, unreasoning…

The most common symptom is Megalomania, a “Green” overdose of inductive reasoning-

Green is good
Sunshades have attributes of Green

More green ≡ better
.˙. More Sunshades are material equivalent to better
Everywhereness Green is more than perfect
.˙. Everywhereness Shades are material equivalent to more than perfect

Megalomaniac actions-

Provide many sunshades for solid walls &
Provide many sunshades for open stairways &
Provide many sunshades for roofs & plant rooms &
Provide many sunshades for windows with a view &
Provide many sunshades at everywhereness
≡ perfect world

Floodwater Tank Pumping Station 蓄洪池抽水站

Education and Manpower Bureau 教育统籌局

International School 國際學校

The very convenient truth – The wooden formwork for the concrete sunshades of a residential tower can make up a forest. The manufacturing industries for aluminum are major pollution in China. Details here or Google here.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Seperated at birth

@China - Developer vs. People

Bloggers give a damn > People win
Details here

@Hong Kong - Developer vs. Government & People

Government don't give a damn > People lost (as always)
Details here in chinese & english

Monday, April 16, 2007

The magic sound bites - “Green, Multi-functional, Interactive”

Hong Kong is a noisy place, the frequency you hear of the magic sound bites in a presentation is very often in proportion to the degree of the building being much ado about nothing. Thoughtless spaces/ everywhereness sun-shades/ useless gadgets end up being labeled as “Multi-functional, Green, Interactive” respectively. Rarely do buildings live up to their claims nor anyone care about their implications for being a sound bite.

Escort industries redefine our habitual diagrams, their penetrations via internet into the hotels have ambiguously committed to our magical claims:

Interactive – An interactive space renders the shift of habitual domains. From virtual> real> hyper-real, 2D> 3D> 4D, immaterial> material> massive... You enter here> made selection> maneuver within city> bodily encounter… This shift of domain is interactive.

Green – Any change of use requires 0 remodeling is green.

Multi-functional – A shift of function where every elements are being utilized to the full extend. From being resort to escort, leisure to erotica, space unaltered while the sequence of action varies at every encounter. Showering, undressing, sexual intercourse, the habitual bubble diagrams are constantly refined by the escort services within an idling space of a hotel room.

In this regards, good slave recommend to substitute the magic word with a code:141 in future presentation, a form of environmental measure for Hong Kong to become a less noisy place.

Disclaimer: the stating of a social phenomenon at this blog here do not necessary promote nor encourage any terrestrial being to support or engage in the escort industry.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Buy it now and believe me later

Good slave wishes there were days when fashion tycoon like LV invites feng shui masters for promotion with slogan "Wear Prada now and your descendents be rich later"

or showing other designer brand "Chanel, Hermes" in their commercials so as to imply their standard of quality...

then Igood slave knows we can all go naked and save some $$ for the needed.

Monday, April 9, 2007

中國國歌 香港版 Chinese National Anthem

起来!不愿做奴隶的人们! Arise, ye who refuse to be slaves;

把我们的血肉,With our very flesh and blood

筑成我们新的长城!Let us build our new Great Wall!

中华民族到了最危险的时候,The Peoples of China are in the most critical time,

每个人被迫着发出最后的吼声。Everybody must roar his defiance.

起来!起来!起来!Arise! Arise! Arise!

我们万众一心, Millions of hearts with one mind,

冒着敌人的炮火,Brave the enemy's gunfire,

前进!March on!

冒着敌人的炮火,前进!Brave the enemy's gunfire,

前进!前进!进!March on! March on! March on, on!

If the emergence of a nation defined by our founding father of not seeing oneself as slave and the struggle/conflict must continue and be celebrated through generations...

then as per Hong Kong Government recommendation, we being the descendents of former slaves shall enjoy the luxuries of life as means to defy slavery and to uphold our awareness.

Lyrics: Arise, ye who refuse to be slaves; > Images: Children enjoying education in a chinese style interior classroom.

Lyrics: With our very flesh and blood > Images: Family having a warm feast (Norman Rockwell style).

Lyrics: The Peoples of China are in the most dangerous time, > Images: People having check up by the Hong Kong medicals.

Lyrics: Brave the enemy's gunfire, March on! > Images: People enjoy viewing sexy models doing the runway show.

Good slave is not quite sure if our government being différance in meaning or just being purely deconstructivist of our nation's founding principle? (... of course good slave mean architecturally speaking)