Monday, July 12, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Everything is to be an end
Those who believe in God, they are pragmatists… if God exist, they will be rewarded, if not, they have nothing to lose*…
Those who believe that nothing can exist beyond their comprehension, they are zombies… their lives are full of agonies of doubt, knowing that death is incomprehensible but inevitable, they make death lives twice…

*quotes from "fooled by Randomess" Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Monday, May 17, 2010
Functional constituency
Intent determines function, purpose reflects interest… Intent serves an ideal, interest is simply taking… Our functional constituencies are interest groups that neither serve any social function nor share loyalty to any professional field, only to fulfill personal interest… A group of purposeful beings that perpetuate greed and steal from our future generations… Please note!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Gazing haplessly at the beloved AV star 蒼井空in bondage, everything feels tender and denuded. The interior is sterilized and memories scattered, the Oedipus figure repeats the horror… at every traits of maternal love to be fetishized, the suicidal act resurrects. The Oedipus’s soul fades in at every minute interior detail, the milk leveled to an exact, the wooden grain found echo in the ring of the nymph’s finger, the charm embodies the victim to reverence the sadist and he remembers all sins only to aggravate the pain, of that rememberances he repents as the victim fades… The empathy is the paraphiliac resembling and reminiscencing the childhood drear interior @ where the macabre tales unfolds…
Monday, January 4, 2010
Arms are numb, sweaty, with stenches of second hand Marlboro menthol admixed with Chanel no.5 (Shenzen version) on the mini skirts... The dslr cameras are recording, for every moment to be endured, of glittering lights become the signs of our time and pounding rhythm turning new generations... our shimmering glimpses of hope intensified @ this new decade to come…
LMF live @ 2010
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Paradise is what you found…Utopia is what you made…
Paradise is the reflection of a long lost spell, an eclipse of promise land where one’s benevolent heart is displayed.
Utopia is a curse, the never land of ideas, forever a myth intrenches upon one’s soul.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Ashes of time… 旗未動,風也未動,是人的心自己在動

"the first sea creature who jumped out of its aquatic world and determined to be on land > the first primate who stood up to look at the world differently and became easy prey”
... to the last who stands guard one’s faith against time... Time returns to dust from ashes while the souls of the new blood search for the flaws in the fore-ordained manuscript. At time when fate in compatible with one’s “amor fati”, the ashes of soul checkmates its opponent (fate) amidst networks of oracles, prophecies and fatalistic nodes.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Garden of delights

Good slave believes every species has its own spacetime- manifold… The celestial mass warps the spacetime continuum, the terrestrial species carves the eddies out of the manifolds with the whirl of sensation that molds the landscape. The agility of one species induces blurriness in another less agile species for the conception of spacetime. Prey and predator relation is the amorphous clouds of manifold’s predictions that compete for spacetime information of its opponent’s momentum- For more agile predator, more fuzzy information gives away. For survival, the prey advances in the conception of the predator’s manifold by being in/out of phase with predator’s foraging and to optimize vigilance frequency (meandering in between the role of eating or being eaten) to match predator’s agility, together they evolve in the whirl of manifolds information that molds sensation into terrestrial-dimensions, allowing species communications form part of the spacetime equations.
For every six years we have a new pandemic- avian flu @97, SARS @03, swine flu @09. Our flattening world accelerates exponentially, but the evolution of virus series h5n1, SARS-CoV, h1n1 engages in time dilation and coordinates transformation at placid pace. The viral codes forage to the spacetime continuum of our livestock, the search of gene transcripts to oscillate in phase with livestock is to dominate their circannual/infradian/circadian/ultradian rhythm. While the endogenous timing is sensory based, the coding of genes is regulated by celestial cycle (1 circadian cycle= 1 rotation of the earth) and each rhythm is fractal in oscillation from year to day’s intervals. Human is confused whether to distance themselves from livestock to accelerate the flat world phenomena or live closer for a sustainable world, but the rise and fall of gene expressions to compensate the circadian rhythm evolves at materialistic changes (temperature, light, air pressure, magnetic field) of the earth. The viral gene perturbation is the path connected among manifolds, a connectedness topology in the arena of overlapping coordinates systems among species that moderates the conception of spacetime.
For every six years we have a new pandemic- avian flu @97, SARS @03, swine flu @09. Our flattening world accelerates exponentially, but the evolution of virus series h5n1, SARS-CoV, h1n1 engages in time dilation and coordinates transformation at placid pace. The viral codes forage to the spacetime continuum of our livestock, the search of gene transcripts to oscillate in phase with livestock is to dominate their circannual/infradian/circadian/ultradian rhythm. While the endogenous timing is sensory based, the coding of genes is regulated by celestial cycle (1 circadian cycle= 1 rotation of the earth) and each rhythm is fractal in oscillation from year to day’s intervals. Human is confused whether to distance themselves from livestock to accelerate the flat world phenomena or live closer for a sustainable world, but the rise and fall of gene expressions to compensate the circadian rhythm evolves at materialistic changes (temperature, light, air pressure, magnetic field) of the earth. The viral gene perturbation is the path connected among manifolds, a connectedness topology in the arena of overlapping coordinates systems among species that moderates the conception of spacetime.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Recipe for Disaster

Disaster comes when there is disbelief… (Incidents here)
Our beliefs in Gaussian world to quarantine the improbable, we varnish the extremes to minimize their contributions in our differential models, of complex singularities become insignificant within the vast smoothening system. The embedding of extreme’s magnitudes to such determinative models are seeds for the disaster. The wild copulates with the tame, of what seemingly disparate events are forced to correlate and be normalized under the Gaussian smoothening expressions. The seeds of diminished extremes become ubiquitous, erratic and non-conformal to any elegant mathematical formula, an exponent of the improbable for our conformal mapping of a dominant landscape, an invariant for the scaling of the folds (in proliferations of disasters) optimized under our deterministic applications (Gaussianized risks, probability, defaults).
Nature offers information erratically, it awaits us to scrutinize its’ scalable impact by allowing coefficients derived across discontinue contours, finding equations equivalency along sharp jumps and differentials to define the connectedness flow. The Gaussianization of singularities into singular form of function equalizes the impact of disaster and converges the diverging risk into our parameterized model with initial exponential data as completed parametric input. Our elegant models become the disbelief of possibilities exists beyond its surface beauty, a language of attractions, of beliefs in the integrity of models (– minimal surfaces, mathematical purity, geophysics) that visualize form with the same representational, metaphorical and referential equations.
… We are enslaved by the representations of fractal patterns, voronoi façades and sine/cosine twisting towers without the awareness of the fractal exponents of reality…
… And we are entangled with parameterized phenomena (frequencies, velocity, density) and the embodiment of forms with visual metaphors (metaphysical, ontological, transcendental meanings)/ formation aesthetic (geo-mimicry) without the awareness of the improbable landscape awaits us to infer with exotic equations….
… For improbable is impenetrable, not to be imitated but preserved with paradoxical mapping at our furthering departure from visual metaphors.
For references here, here and here.
Our beliefs in Gaussian world to quarantine the improbable, we varnish the extremes to minimize their contributions in our differential models, of complex singularities become insignificant within the vast smoothening system. The embedding of extreme’s magnitudes to such determinative models are seeds for the disaster. The wild copulates with the tame, of what seemingly disparate events are forced to correlate and be normalized under the Gaussian smoothening expressions. The seeds of diminished extremes become ubiquitous, erratic and non-conformal to any elegant mathematical formula, an exponent of the improbable for our conformal mapping of a dominant landscape, an invariant for the scaling of the folds (in proliferations of disasters) optimized under our deterministic applications (Gaussianized risks, probability, defaults).
Nature offers information erratically, it awaits us to scrutinize its’ scalable impact by allowing coefficients derived across discontinue contours, finding equations equivalency along sharp jumps and differentials to define the connectedness flow. The Gaussianization of singularities into singular form of function equalizes the impact of disaster and converges the diverging risk into our parameterized model with initial exponential data as completed parametric input. Our elegant models become the disbelief of possibilities exists beyond its surface beauty, a language of attractions, of beliefs in the integrity of models (– minimal surfaces, mathematical purity, geophysics) that visualize form with the same representational, metaphorical and referential equations.
… We are enslaved by the representations of fractal patterns, voronoi façades and sine/cosine twisting towers without the awareness of the fractal exponents of reality…
… And we are entangled with parameterized phenomena (frequencies, velocity, density) and the embodiment of forms with visual metaphors (metaphysical, ontological, transcendental meanings)/ formation aesthetic (geo-mimicry) without the awareness of the improbable landscape awaits us to infer with exotic equations….
… For improbable is impenetrable, not to be imitated but preserved with paradoxical mapping at our furthering departure from visual metaphors.
For references here, here and here.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Song of songs
When in love, it is the profoundly of love that finds the words, for every voice of the beloved made becomes the song of songs. When it ends, love depicted in a cloud of enigma by which our mortal beings are parabled.
Happy Valentine’s Day
千言萬語 曲:古月 詞:爾英
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Muscle memories
Architecture is pure muscle memories. You are possessed... and you practice endlessly, only to be fractured and desolated in the rebuilding of a stronger self... soul weigh upon the body, body lock in the repetitive action, of a recursive cycle deepened by awareness. You are an outlier, besieged and heavy, the 10,000 hrs rule does not apply, for your propagating practices makes everything timeless, agile and ether. The world becomes an impulse, an aftereffect of the reflex act of your soul. Memories synchronize with muscles and body mass fiddles with the evolving world of an awareness funnels into the barbarous cycle, of accelerating rhythm to out power the world only to return the desolated soul.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Future 09
Good slave has been an otaku 御宅族, turning the back on the world, gazing at the shadowy world becomes more shadowy… Everyday is so beautiful when time stops and everything looks more beautiful under the moving shades… When time stops, the futures find their way with time (as variables) not being in the equations. Currencies move with love, commodities move with lust and futures move with gratifications. Only then good slave envisions the passionately connected pace among the futures with the shadowy world signifying the abyss of time. The realization of an improbable future by casting the shadowy index onto the emotional world, a pace for the guru to lead the world out of the abyss.
Happy New Year and wish you were here always.
Happy New Year and wish you were here always.
Saturday, November 1, 2008

"The chaser" 追擊者 is a hyper-real movie, it amplifies the sense of hopelessness in the vicious world of the counterpart. The battle of good vs. evil, intend vs. causality, reality veils under an irremediable cause and our indifferences to such minute detailing, the devilish intend unfolds. The shimmering crucifix form is the constellation that channels the history of evil, a guiding light that pilots the chaser to the breeding ground of evil where the crucifixion took place. Darkness bores hope and lightness gives path to the disorderly world of diminishing faith, the closer to the serial killer, the distancing to the victim, of misery illuminates the virtue (the chaser) only to reveal his self-destructive nature.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
The revenge of architecture
When architecture serves for profit maximization under the elegant models of Friedman’s economic philosophy, the impact is more immense than the model itself can visualize. The architecture of social noises & messy geographic conditions copulates with Friedmanites’ hard science, the imperfect world becomes the material impact defying any utopian thoughts.
Architecture operates with limits. The limits of greed, inhumanity and selfishness. The mystical lines of architecture quarantines inferiority and liberates the communal forces to regulate robustic goals of politics and economy. The material link of architecture transgresses the hard science of deregulations, privatizations and free markets, from its detrimental impact of greed to the communal joy of sharing.
When the material link is repressed, the fusing of architectural automata and greedy inflation is the fuel to this human betrayal (free person = free market + free consumption). In return, architecture regulates every room, town and city to be deserted or vanished from this unregulated world.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Today seems like a bad day for many who decided to stay, however, things are not as bad as you may think, or at least you are still online here to keep good slave company.
What's the best investment you can make?
"Invest in yourself," Warren Buffett said
Friday, August 22, 2008
The story of Daedalus returned @ 2008 Beijing Olympics 北京奧運開幕

In Greek mythology, the “plan” of the labyrinth was to contain the monster Minotaur, of the child given birth by the human beastly thoughts. When Daedalus was imprisoned by his own creation of the labyrinth, he alleviated himself to a "section" viewing to resolve a "plan" puzzle- the building of the wings to levitate one’s thought and body to higher altitude. However, the story ended with the tragic death of Daedalus’s son Icarus who was exhilarated by flight and flew beyond his capacity.

In 2008 Beijing Olympics opening ceremony, the mass game was a simulacra of a digitized labyrinth-like environment. Human mass performances synchronized with the particles display on the mega LCD, of embodiment with symbols, mass and spectacular, bodies become an extension of the pixels metrics. The labyrinth-like animation was the merging of pixels and bodily dynamics, with guiding movement of instructions emitted from blue tooth-like device attached to each performer, it alleviated the mass game to a digitized conducting performance. At the final scene of body levitation, the chasing of the Olympic script was the return of Daedalus’s curse. The imprisonment of the endless “plan” in disguise as “section”, tempting one's ego to go beyond the limit.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Time is fractal 明日之歌
Good slave has an addiction. At times when numbers affected good slave deeply in the past and begin to resurrect recursively, good slave believes is angelic. A form of whispering chant from the guardian to announce good slave worthy to be in its presence. Numbers chart our desire in the moving average of time, at intervals when the affections radiate from the fast entangles with the slow moving desire, time becomes fractal and so does desire. The moving average of desire is the line of revelation when it diverges to designation opposites to the world tendency. The immediate present interval of lines leap into the passing world of desire, of same fractals displaying the delaying modes of lines depart to an uncharted world. The fast slows down while corresponding to a disparate attraction, the world idles and flattens to a point fold. The movement of recursive numbers brings joy to good slave, it enheartens a lost soul for its annunciation for a new fractal time.
我去了 我去了
我去了 我去了
分別了 分別了
分別了 分別了
明天 明天
忘了吧 忘了吧
記住了 記住了
作詞:沈華 作曲:顧嘉輝 編曲:李端嫻
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Ultimate terror
In the video released by the Eastern Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP), the terrorist group commander Seyfullah made threats to terror attacks for the 2008 summer Olympic events (details here). However, he made good slave and the whole world ponder more than fear, for his threats to blow up a competition entry of the Olympic stadium and not the built one.

Competition entry no. B01
Should he threaten the same if he knew entry no.B11 suppose to be the winning entry? If he did and with an intention, would he possess some mystical power to destroy a concept for architecture? This sounds like the ultimate terror in architecture, a threat to destroy the built and the unbuilt at someone's discretion.

Competition entry no. B01
Should he threaten the same if he knew entry no.B11 suppose to be the winning entry? If he did and with an intention, would he possess some mystical power to destroy a concept for architecture? This sounds like the ultimate terror in architecture, a threat to destroy the built and the unbuilt at someone's discretion.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Sink ship 沈船
For man, sink ship is disastrous when
Woman got soul
Or with moves!
Your gaze at her is fatal but makes life lives twice.
Woman got soul
Or with moves!
Your gaze at her is fatal but makes life lives twice.
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